June 22, 2023

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.


Protect Your Privacy on the Go With the OSOM Privacy Cable, Now Available at Amazon

Privacy is of growing importance as ways of violating it continue to proliferate. It’s a subject we value so deeply that it is a part of our very name here at OSOM Privacy. So we are proud to announce that our Privacy Cable is now available for purchase on Amazon

With our Privacy Cable, a flick of a single switch can help protect you when charging your phone, laptop, or other devices from a public charging station or other untrusted USB receptacle. Flip that built-in switch, and the USB Type-C data pins are disconnected, helping to prevent any nefarious devices on the other end of the cable from breaking into your gadget. Whether you are topping up your laptop quickly at a café over coffee, plugging a tablet in at the train station to get ready for a long ride, or charging your phone during a layover in an airline lounge, the OSOM Privacy Cable can help protect you from so-called “juice jacking.”

Security researchers and governmental agencies, including the US FCC and FBI, have warned travelers of the dangers of juice jacking when charging devices at public charging kiosks, where a USB receptacle might offer more than just power on the other end of your cable. These charging stations can be surreptitiously modified to include malicious hardware that attempts to break into your device and do things like steal data or install malware. It is a real cybersecurity and privacy risk when charging in public, but our Privacy Cable helps prevent this by allowing you to disable the USB data lines when you don’t need a data connection. Flip the built-in switch off, and nothing on the other end of the cable can "talk" to your phone over the USB data connection, augmenting your privacy.

“We all carry our most sensitive personal information every day in our pockets. Unfortunately, bad actors can take advantage of this by stealing this data while we do a seemingly low-risk, normal activity — charging our devices at public charging stations. Our Privacy Cable is a simple first step in helping consumers stop this juice jacking by giving them an elegant and easy way to control the flow of data. Literally with the flip of a switch, the individual is back in control of their connected device." - Mary Ross, Chief Privacy Officer.

On top of the built-in data-blocking switch, our Privacy Cable has a light that flashes if and when data is enabled and may be being transmitted, giving you a glimpse into the secret life of your phone and a potential warning if and when it starts flashing when you don’t expect it to. 

Data privacy is a serious and growing concern among researchers, lawmakers, and technologists. Companies simply aren’t doing enough to safeguard consumers today, but our Privacy Cable is a first step in helping customers take back control by granting them extra management over connected devices.

Every bargain hunter quickly learns that not all USB cables are built equal — they differ in many ways, like durability, longevity, and power rating. The OSOM Privacy Cable isn’t only built to help augment your privacy; it’s ready for your daily grind and the abuse of travel, with strong anodized aluminum end caps and a tough abrasion-resistant braided nylon sleeve. It supports USB Power Delivery at up to 60W (20V, 3A) to charge your phone, laptop, or tablet (among a wide variety of other compatible devices) quickly and safely. 

The OSOM Privacy Cable is the easiest and most convenient way to help you own your privacy™ on the go, and it can be yours starting today for $30 at Amazon. Direct, large-volume orders are also available for corporate customers, newsrooms, and other businesses that need to safeguard employee privacy.